For Immediate Release
Contact: Jeffrey Goettemoeller, 660-528-0768
“…my very sincere congratulations and admiration. Your book is a very useful and insightful overview of a complex and promising new technology.”
—Bill Kovarik, Ph.D., Radford University School of Communication. Coauthor, The Forbidden Fuel: Power Alcohol in the Twentieth Century
Setting the Record Straight about Ethanol
December 2007 — In their new book, Sustainable Ethanol, the Goettemoeller brothers clear up some misconceptions about today’s fuel ethanol industry.
Myth #1:
“Ethanol always gets worse fuel economy compared to gasoline.”
Find out about new technologies that could eliminate the ethanol fuel economy deficit in Flex-Fuel vehicles and discover why E10 (10% ethanol) actually boosts miles per gallon in some cars!
Myth #2:
“It takes more fossil energy to make a gallon of ethanol than we can replace by using that gallon.”
Find out why ethanol’s fossil energy replacement ratio is actually positive, improving rapidly, and why other metrics such as petroleum replacement ratio give a better picture of ethanol’s benefit to society.
Myth #3:
“Increasing ethanol production is making world hunger worse.”
The opposite may be true in some developing countries where farmers are better able to make a living with higher grain prices. Also, perennial crops could help restore worn-out soils while providing the raw material for cellulosic ethanol.
Myth #4:
“Ethanol can’t be shipped by pipeline.”
The obstacles to shipping ethanol by pipeline can be overcome. Find out about successful Brazilian ethanol pipelines, U.S. tests involving ethanol transport in an existing multi-product pipeline, and the possibility of dedicated ethanol pipelines in the U.S.
Myth #5:
“We can’t make enough ethanol to make a real difference.”
It will take many different technologies working together to replace imported oil. Find out why ethanol and other biofuels have the potential to make a significant difference as we move beyond corn kernels to more plentiful cellulosic energy crops and waste materials as feedstocks.
Sustainable Ethanol is available from,,, or contact Prairie Oak Publishing:
For Immediate Release
Contact: Jeffrey Goettemoeller, 660-528-0768
Is Ethanol Good for America?November 2007 — The age of cheap oil is over and we must find alternatives. Our energy security is at risk. Can fuel ethanol reduce our dependence on oil? A new book, Sustainable Ethanol, considers this question by exploring the past, present, and future of ethanol as a fuel.
Ethanol is a domestically produced alternative to gasoline, but is it truly renewable? Skeptics worry about the fossil fuels and corn kernels used for ethanol production. But farmers and ethanol producers are becoming more efficient and less reliant on fossil fuels. Cellulosic ethanol will accelerate this trend. At the same time, automakers are designing a new generation of hybrid and flex-fuel vehicles that will take full advantage of ethanol’s high octane for better fuel economy.
Sustainable Ethanol is about the technological advances making ethanol better for our environment and economy. It will help the reader make sense of the energy problem and the role ethanol can play in our transportation system.
Jeffrey Goettemoeller, author of
Stevia Sweet Recipes: Sugar-Free—Naturally, received his degree in horticulture from Northwest Missouri State University, followed by seminary studies. Adrian Goettemoeller is a geologist and environmental scientist with degrees from Northwest Missouri State and the University of Iowa. The Goettemoeller brothers, with backgrounds in environmental remediation, philosophy, theology, and sustainable agriculture, have always been passionate about the natural world and how society might best sustain the good life over the long term. Residing in Missouri’s corn-belt, they lived through the farm crisis of the 1980’s and the birth of a thriving ethanol industry.
Sustainable Ethanol is available from or contact
Prairie Oak Publishing: 660-528-0768 or
Sustainable Ethanol: Biofuels, Biorefineries, Cellulosic Biomass, Flex-Fuel Vehicles, and Sustainable Farming for Energy Independence by Jeffrey Goettemoeller and Adrian Goettemoeller. 2007, Original Edition, 6 x 9, 196 pages. ISBN 978-0-9786293-0-4. $17.00.
Media professionals are welcome to request a review copy.
Prairie Oak Publishing; 221 South Saunders St.; Maryville MO 64468
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